Admission Date Extended Till 22nd -January | BSN Post-RN Admission Open | Diploma (CNA,LHV,CMW) Admissions Open

BS Nursing Generic (4-Years)

BS Nursing Generic

Degree Programe

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Nursing Generic program is designed for students who wish to become Registered Nurses via a four-year course of study in the liberal arts & sciences and professional nursing. This Program is recognized by PN&MC and affiliated with Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro.

Eligibility Criteria for Admission in BS Nursing (04 Year Degree Program) at GIMHS:

No applicant shall be eligible for admission in GIMHS College of Nursing, unless he/she fulfills the following criteria:
  1. The candidate has passed the Entrance test conducted by third party.
  • The result of test is valid for admission in Session 2024-25.
  • Obtained a Higher Secondary School Certificate qualification (HSSC Pre Medical) or an equivalent 12th grade qualification recognized in Pakistan and having obtained more than 50% marks or a higher percentage as may be notified by the controlling authorities.
  • Passed the mandatory subjects of Biology and Chemistry and either Physics in the examination of the Higher Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent 12th grade qualification recognized in Pakistan.
S. No. Specification Criteria
1 Qualification FSc (Pre-Medical) with 50% marks minimum (Physics, Chemistry & Biology as compulsory subjects).
2 Age Limit 14-35 years
3 Gender Male & Female
4 Province Domicile Sindh


S. No. Criteria Weightage
1 Matriculation (SSC) 10%
2 Intermediate (F.Sc) 40%
3 Entry Test 50%
Total 100%


Subjects Weightage
English 10
Biology 40
Physics 20
Chemistry 20
General Knowledge 10
Total MCQs 100
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